Spring 2 2024

Focus Text: The Puffin Book of Fantastic First Poems
This poetry unit will focus on three parts; food, holidays and days out and seasonal weather. The children will explore and respond to different poems. They will read, perform and use the poems as a stimulus for art. Once the children have explored rhythm, rhyme, patterns and language in a range of poems, the children will create their own poetry based on ones they have read. Listen to Michael Rosen read some of his nonsense poems!
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This half term, our focus will be Length and Height and Mass, Capacity and Temperature.
In Year 2, the children need to be able to recall multiplication and division facts for the 2x, 5x and 10x table. Please practise as much as possible at home; either on DoodleTables or MathsFrame: Multiplication check
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Religious Education
Why does Easter matter to Christians?
The children will find out about key events of Holy Week and Easter, making links with the Christian belief of salvation. They will learn about how Christians show their beliefs about Jesus being their savior within celebrations and worship in church at Easter. The children will also learn about the instructions that Christians believe that Jesus gave his followers about how to behave. They will consider what the story of Easter means for Christians today and why they put their hope in heaven. Watch the story:
The children will continue with their singing lessons every other week with an external teacher. The children will also continue with playing the ocarina alonside tuned and untuned instruments.

Art: Sculpture

The children will be introduced to the artist Kimmy Cantrell and have the opportunity to share their opinion of his work. They will base their own sculpture on the work of Kimmy Cantrell. The children will experiment with clay using different techniques and then produce their final piece using this medium. Once completed, the children will evaluate and analyse their own and others sculpture. 



Enquiry: Why does it matter where my food comes from?

This enquiry provides an introduction to farming and farms. It will enable the children to explore a number of key geographical concepts such as location and distribution, as well as establishing a clear grasp, in simple terms, of fundamental geographical processes including economic activity and trade. The enquiry therefore is not just about the children knowing ‘where’ their food comes from but also – and equally importantly – it’s about enabling them to understand ‘why’ it’s important to know. To this end the children have opportunities to begin to understand and reflect upon, in basic terms, why locally sourced food and free-range production regimes are considered environmentally friendly and sustainable.



Enquiry: How do we know so much about where Sappho used to life?

This enquiry enables the children to explore a number of key historical concepts, particularly the nature of evidence and cause and effect. It also introduces the pupils to studying the past to understand the present better and to inform the future in a more enlightened manner. The children are able to think about how historians and archaeologists go about obtaining the evidence they need to reconstruct and interpret the past
and particularly the distinction between primary and secondary evidence. The destruction and reconstruction of the iconic city of Pompeii provides an ideal context for achieving this and this historical event is brought to life through the circumstances of one young person, to whom the children are able to relate easily. The enquiry also emphasises that the value of studying a specific event in history, such as the destruction of Pompeii, lies more in what the event tells us about the lives of ordinary people at the time rather than the specific and intricate details of the event itself. 


The children will continue to focus on 'Animals including Humans'. This half term, the focus moves to investigating the importance of nutrition and different food groups. They will work scientifically by investigating how exercise affects our bodies and of its importance. Finally, the children will explain the importance of hygiene.
PSHE: Healthy Me
In this puzzle, the class will learn about healthy food; they will talk about having a healthy relationship with food and making healthy choices. The children will talk about things that make them feel relaxed as well as feeling stressed. They will talk about medicines; how they work and how to use them safely. The children will have a go at making healthy snacks and also discuss why they are good for their bodies.
Physical Education
Dance: Explorers
Within this unit, the children will develop their ability to create and develop characters, adding movements, expression and emotion to their performance. The children will be able to create a motif and will develop their motifs with a partner to include some different elements of choreography.

Design Technology: Mechanisms 

Making a Moving Monster

After learning the terms; pivot, lever and linkage, children set to designing a monster that will move using a linkage mechanism. After practicing making linkages of different types and varying the materials they use. The children can also bring their monsters to life with the gift of movement.


The Puffins will learn about the term ‘data’. We will begin to understand what data means and how this can be collected in the form of a tally chart. They will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data. They will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and finally block diagrams. We will use the data presented to answer questions.