School Uniform

School Uniform

All of our pupils are expected to wear school uniform.  Sweatshirts and cardigans should be ordered  through our ONLINE UNIFORM PROVIDER. Please ask at the school office if you are unable to access this.

    Our UNIFORM POLICY can be downloaded below. Our uniform consists of:

    Our School Uniform Consists of:  ‐ 

  • Grey or black trousers, school shorts, skirt or pinafore dress. 
  • Blue and white checked summer dress. or shorts.
  • Royal blue school sweatshirt or cardigan.
  • Pale blue polo shirt. ‐ 
  • Plain grey, black or blue tights. 
  • Plain white or grey socks.
  • Flat black shoes with closed toes.
  • Book bags and P.E/Swimming bags are also available from the school office.
  • On PE and Swimming days children are asked to come to school wearing plain navy blue, grey or black joggers/shorts and trainers with top half uniform only.
  • Children should be provided with a change of footwear, especially when the weather is wet.
  • We strongly encourage parents to label ALL clothes, footwear and bags clearly with their child's name.

Children may only wear stud earrings to school. These should be removed on PE and swimming days.

A copy of our Uniform Policy is available to download below.