In our Reading lessons this half term we will be reading and responding to The BFG by Roald Dahl, exploring the text in pairs. We will then move on to expand our repertoire of Poetry by enjoying and analysing a selection of poems from New and Collected Poems for Children by Carol-Ann Duffy. In our Writing lessons, we will also focus on the BFG: the children will create diary entries as Sophie and write their own version of what might happen in the story. We will then go on to write persuasive posters, information leaflets, postcards, diary entries, wishes and setting descriptions based on The Tin Forest by Helen Ward. The children are enjoying choosing a library book each week; library books chosen should be taken home each night and also kept on desks throughout the school day to promote wider reading for pleasure. To help build your child's fluency and confidence in reading, please read with them at least 4 times a week using their scheme book or library book and sign their reading record. We continue to reward good reading habits with books and bookmarks. Please also continue to practise your 30 half termly spellings on a regular basis.
This half term we will be learning about forces. We will be learning about how magnets react to each other and investigating which materials are attracted to a magnet. We will also investigate whether the force of magnetism can be blocked. We will be learning about friction and testing out which surfaces create the most friction during our toy car experiment.
In Geography this half term we will be continuing to investigate how and why our local area is changing. We will be using maps, atlases, globes and digital/computer mapping to take a closer look at different types of housing in Amble.
Design and Technology
In Design and Technology this half term we will be designing and making our own castles using card and paper. We will first identify the features of a castle before developing our understanding of the nets of 3D shapes. We will then go on to design, make and evaluate our own castles.
In P.E. this half term we will be moving to music and planning our own 'wild animal' dances.
The focus of the learning is to respond to different stimuli being able to sustain characters to add drama and emotion to the dance.
In French this half term we will continue with our introductory unit, 'I'm Learning French' as well as moving on to learn about 'les animaux'. The children will consolidate their knowledge of numbers, colours, introducing themselves in French and animals.
Our Jigsaw unit 'Celebrating Difference' encourages children to recognise, accept and value the many differences that make up our society.
We will continue to learn about how the lives of Ancient Britons changed during the Stone Age. We will be learning how to use primary and secondary sources of evidence to learn about the past. We will be focusing on what we can learn from ancient sites such as Stonehenge and Skara Brae as we practise being historians and archaeologists.
We will be concentrating on mastering our 5 times table; saying it by rote and answering spot questions as well as knowing related division facts. We will be working on addition and subtraction strategies using 3 digit numbers and understanding of multiplication and division, linked to times tables. You can keep your skills sharp by accessing Doodle Maths for 10 minutes daily.
This half term we will be learning how to create a colour wheel and to select and mix complementary colours to create effects in our painting.
We will be exploring the musical elements of pulse, metre and timbre alongside singing and learning to play the ocarina.
This half term we will be focusing on Christianity. We will be discovering why Christmas is important to Christians and re-telling the Nativity story on our 3D Christmas cards.
The children will use a range of techniques to create a stop-frame animation using tablets. Next, they will apply those skills to create a story-based animation. Finally we will be learning to add other types of media to the animation, such as music and text.
ONLINE SAFETY: The children will be learning the importance of creating and using strong passwords and thinking about how to use privacy settings to help keep them safe online.