Year 1 Autumn 2

Year 1 Autumn 2– Creating Media – Digital Painting

During this unit, The children will develop their understanding of a range of tools used for digital painting. They then use these tools to create their own digital paintings, while gaining inspiration from a range of artists’ work. The unit concludes with the children considering their preferences when painting with and without the use of digital devices.
Online Safety - Safe Searching for Images
The children will learn to use technology safely and respectfully in the context of searching for appropriate images online. 
Useful Vocabulary
Tools -  The buttons at the top/side of the computer window are called tools, and they all have different jobs. 
Toolbar - A place where all of the tool buttons are kept. These are usually in a line at the top/bottom/side of the computer screen
Paintbrush - A tool that allows you to use a paintbrush on the screen
Erase - A tool that allows you to rub out anything you have drawn
Fill Tool - This usually looks like a bucket and lets you fill an area of the screen quickly
Undo - A tool that quickly allows you to undo the last thing you did on screen (usually looks like an arrow jumping backwards)
Shape tool - A tool that allows you to quickly and easily draw different shapes.
Line tool - A tool that allows you to quickly draw straight or curved lines
Brush style - This allows you to choose what type of brush you want to use.
Brush size - This allows you to choose the size of the brush you want to use.