We explain to the children that In PE we learn how to control and use our bodies to play sports and keep fit and healthy.
The Physical Education (PE) curriculum we offer consists of PE lessons, extra-curricular sports clubs, and involvement in competitive/inter-school sport, active playtimes and a daily ‘Golden Mile’.
The 3 Rs of Responsibility, Respectfulness and Resilience underpin the attitudes we expect of our pupils throughout the PE curriculum. We aim to develop fitness and systematically build the skills and competences that will equip our children to participate in a range of sports and physical activities, lead healthy and active lives and independently engage in sport and physical activity as they become adults. We also aim for all of our children to become competent swimmers by the end of Year 4 by delivering swimming in every year from Reception
We use Complete PE suggested sequences of learning to support delivery of our PE Curriculum and have created ‘End Point’ statements that clearly summarise the overarching outcome of each unit of work delivered.
Our PE Co-ordinator is Miss Antonia Vescio
Our School Games Co-ordinator is Mrs Josie Goodfellow
Click here to view the National Curriculum Programmes of Study for Physical Education