English: As writers we will be exploring the playscript The Tempest by William Shakespeare and Percy Jackson & the Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan. We will be developing our writing skills using role play, discussion and writing activities.
English: As readers we will be developing our comprehension skills and apply our understanding of the text Cogheart by Peter Bunzl. We use a range of strategies to identify key information, decode unfamiliar words (ALIEN WORDS) and infer the language the author uses to express a point of view or describe an event.
Design & Technology: Mechanical Systems (Storybook popup) - We will will produce and assemble our own book using a range of mechanisms and structures to illustrate a story and make it interactive for the users.
Art: Painting - This half term the class will continue to focus on selecting and mixing colour harmonies and use these to create art, describing the effect these colours create. Then we will have the opportunity to reflect on the styles and techniques in previous art learning and select from a range of materials to create our own art, sharing ideas with others. Finally we will study the work of designers.
This half term we will focus on timbre, learning about different world percussion. The children will learn how to develop rhythmic ostinato patterns and complete their learning by structuring a piece of music.