
The main work of our Governing Body is completed by 2 committees which meet on a half termly basis.  These committees report their work back at termly Full Governing Body meetings.
The Resource Management Committee's work focuses on: staffing, buildings/premises and financial matters.
The Strategic Policy and Direction Committee's work focuses on: overall provision/outcomes for pupils, self evaluation, school improvement , curriculum and policy review. 
The Governing body may also appoint a Discipline, Complaints and Appeals Hearing Body if necessary.
The downloadable document at the bottom of the page details the terms of reference for each committee, register of governors' interests and register of attendance.
Mr Paul Heeley

Mr Paul Heeley

Headteacher Governor
Mrs Louise Cuthbertson

Mrs Louise Cuthbertson

Staff Governor

Mrs Ailsa Dellbridge

Mrs Ailsa Dellbridge

Co-opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility: History, Health & Safety
Mrs Kayleigh Dunn

Mrs Kayleigh Dunn

Parent Governor

Area of Responsibility: Geography
Mrs Linda Williams

Mrs Linda Williams

Chair of Governors (Local Authority Governor)

Area of Responsibility: Early Years, Maths, PE
Mrs  Helen Cooper

Mrs Helen Cooper

Vice Chair -Co-opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility: English (Reading and Phonics), SEND, RE
Mrs Sylvia Capron

Mrs Sylvia Capron

Co-opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility: Science, Pupil Premium
Mrs Cathie Gascoigne

Mrs Cathie Gascoigne

Co-opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility: PHSE/RSE/SMSC
Mrs Felicity Edmunds

Mrs Felicity Edmunds

Parent Governor

Areas of Responsibility: Art & Design, Music
Mrs  Trish Grahamslaw

Mrs Trish Grahamslaw

Co-opted Governor

Area of Responsibility: Design Technology
Mr Mark Phillips

Mr Mark Phillips

Co-opted Governor

Areas of Responsibility: Safeguarding (inc online safety), Attendance