Autumn 2 2024

We will continue to learn phonic every day using our Monsters Phonics. Recapping sounds taught so far and learn some new Year 1 sounds. We will learn to read alien words that have these new sounds in. We will also learn common exception words each week an children will come home with some of these to practise spelling. 

Children will continue to come home with their reading book and yellow reading record book each day. They will have already read this book at school so it will be familiar to them. We expect children read this book 4 times per week at home to support fluency, confidence and reading with success. 
We have stickers and reading critters the children can achieve as they read regularly at home. 
Please sign/comment in the reading diary each time they have read so this can be logged each day. Please ensure both reading book and record book is in school each day. 

Enquiry: What is the geography of where I live?
Children will continue to look at the Geography of where they live in the United Kingdom. They will look at the locality using Google Earth and find out what the land around them is used for. They will observe and describe a range of human and physical features of our school grounds. 

Enquiry: How do our favourite toys and games compare to those of children in the 1960's?
We will begin the term by looking at how we divide up time as historians. We will look at events over time sorting these into chronological order to create our own class timeline. We will find out about the most popular toys and games in the 1960's and compare these with toys and games we have today.  We will speak to people we know who can remember the toys they used to play with and ask them questions to find out what they were. 
At home: ask someone you know who was alive in the 1960's what their favourite toys were and how they were used.

This half term the children will develop their understanding of technology and how it can help them. They will become more familiar with the different components of a computer by developing their keyboard and mouse skills, and also start to consider how to use technology responsibly.  A key focus will be learning how to log on independently.  You can support your child by practising at home with their school360 username and password.

The children will continue with addition and subtraction to 10 before learning about 2D and 3D shapes.  Why not go on a shape hunt around your house to help your child name different 2D and 3D shapes.


We will continue to go on Curious Quest and complete challenges from Professor Klunk. Following a weekly text we will go adventuring. We will write 'codes; sentences about our inventios and drawings. Children will be encourages to apply their phonics knowledge and newly taught spelling rules to their writing and will be taught how to use capital letter and full stops and to use finger spaces. 

Children learn all about everyday materials. We will name objects and the materials they are made from. We will investigate why materials are chosen for certain objects and what their properties are.

In dance we will focus on making movements to represent 'Growing'. Children will work individually and with a partner to put together a sequence. 

The children will continue to focus on painting using secondary colours.  We will look in more detail at the work of Yayoi Kusama and create paintings in this style.  The children will create their own art and also learn more about the work of designers.

Design Technology
Design Technology Techniques

We will look at techniques needed to construct junk modelling. Practising scissor skills, bending, folding and joining materials. Children will plan and make model using junk model materials. 

The children will start to think about the terms secular and religious. Drawing from their knowledge, they will talk about the key events from the Christmas story in more detail. They will find out about how Christmas is celebrated today and begin to consider which traditions are secular and which are religious. They will focus on religious artwork, saying how and why it helps Christians today to celebrate the key events from the story.

The children will continue with our Jigsaw programme and meet Jigsaw Jack as they learn about 'Celebrating Difference' We will Respect look at our similarities and differences and how we are unique. 

Children will learn about pulse, how to find it and how to move our body to a beat. We will find out how pulse can be represented using symbols and the link between beat and rhythm.