We are proud of our Early Years provision which ensures seamless transition between Little Pebbles to Nursery and onto Reception before moving into Key Stage 1.
Our self-contained unit is home to the Starfish (Nursery) and Lobsters (Reception). We plan the Early Years Curriculum through a topic based approach which provides broad and exciting opportunities for the children to learn through play. The exciting, bright and inviting classrooms are well resourced and set up to stimulate and promote independent learning for all children. The indoor environments include cozy reading areas, well stocked writing areas, intriguing investigation areas and exciting role play areas which help to stimulate the children’s imaginative play. Our learning environments are ever changing to reflect the interests and fascinations of the children. We are lucky to have a wide range of technology in our setting including interactive boards, Ipads, cameras as well as a range of programmable toys.
We have a large outdoor area to provide the children with even more opportunities and challenges for learning. The children have free access to the outdoors throughout the day, and love to be outside come rain or shine! The newest addition to our outdoor area is our colourful terrace of play houses. Each house has a different focus and provides the children with a range of opportunities linked to role play, writing and mark making and maths/construction. There are plenty of opportunities for us to improve our physical skills with a wide range of large construction and our busy road area; this is often busy with bikes, scooters and young pedestrians!
Our Early Years unit is well staffed and we pride ourselves on building strong relationships with parents and carers. We welcome parents into the classrooms and enjoy sharing our learning whenever possible. Half termly stay and play sessions are a great opportunity for Parents to come into our setting and play alongside their child. We use Tapestry our online learning journals to continually share the children's learning with parents. This programme ensures that all parents are able to share and celebrate the achievements and progress of the children in school, as well as allowing parents to upload observations and experiences which the children have at home. Parents are also invited to join our whole school awards assembly each week to celebrate the achievements of our children.