Phonics at Amble Links

To enable our children to become confident readers and writers and to promote a love of reading, it is important that we get the fundamental building blocks correct.  We start teaching phonics in Nursery through the Monster Phonics Foundation Programme and move onto the School Programme across Reception and Key Stage 1. Children from Nursery to Year 2 all have with a daily phonics session ensuring that our children have many opportunities to develop and practice their skills linked to reading and writing. 

Why did we choose Monster Phonics?

As a school we know our children well - what appeals to them and what inspires them to learn and be successful. We chose Monster Phonics as our DfE validated phonics scheme as it combines a carefully-structured teaching and learning programme with an engaging reading scheme. A strong feature of the programme is the high-quality core materials for teachers and parents as well as it being fun, engaging and appealing to all children. 

 All of our staff that read with the children, are trained with using the Monster Phonics materials. 

 When is phonics taught?

Phonics is taught daily throughout EYFS and KS1.  If children need additional phonics interventions these are usually delivered in the same day as the teaching. 

Who is it for?

Monster Phonics is a whole-class Systematic Synthetic Phonics Scheme with Decodable Books for children in Reception and Key Stage 1. We also follow the Foundations Programme in Nursery.


Monster Phonics teaches children to read by enabling them to identify the individual graphemes (letter combinations) and blend the sounds (phonemes) together to read the word. It is a fun way to teach phonics, since it is multi-sensory. Sounds are categorised into ten colour groups, and each colour has a corresponding monster character. Monster Phonics is a highly advanced multisensory scheme. This creates interest and engagement from the children.

How can I find out more?

You can speak to your child's class teacher at any time. School will also hold information events within the year. Further information can be found on the Monster Phonics website by clicking here.   

How can I support my child at home?

We have invested fully into Monster Phonics and will be using the programme decodable books across Reception and Key Stage 1. The children will have read their book a number of times in school before it comes home. The book that your child will given to read at home will be a fully decodable book at the level your child is working at in class.  The books should be read by your child with adult support and we ask that parents add comments to their child's reading record to let us know how they are getting on at home. This is a strong home school link. 

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