Spring 1 2024/2025

Y3 Seals
Spring 1 2024/2025

This half term we will focus on two different versions of the traditional tale 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin' in both our Reading and Writing lessons. We will respond to the story through discussion, drawing and drama and use it as a basis for writing our our own information reports about rats, as well as writing adverts, formal letters and our own version myths/legends.  To help build your child's fluency and confidence in reading, please read with them at least 4 times a week using their scheme book or library book and sign their reading record.  We continue to reward good reading habits with books and bookmarks.  Please also continue to practise your 30 half termly spellings on a regular basis as this has a huge impact on your child's independent writing.  
In Science this half term we will be learning about rocks, soils and fossils.  We will sort, classify and investigate a variety of rocks.  We will learn about sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic rocks and investigate their similarities and differences.  We will use scientific equipment to ask and answer questions about rocks, exploring their composition, hardness and permeability.  We will also be learning about how fossils are formed and about the life and work of Mary Anning who made important fossil discoveries.  Finally we will gain an understanding of what soils is and investigate different soil samples.

Rocks, soils and fossils - KS2 Science - BBC Bitesize
BBC Two - True Stories, Episode 1, The life and work of Mary Anning
In Geography this half term we will be investigating the question 'Why are Jungles so wet and Deserts so dry?'.  We will be learning about how and why climate varies across the UK and globally.  We will then look at two biomes within the continent of South America – the tropical rainforest biome of the Amazon Basin and the hot desert biome of the Atacama Desert.

Design and Technology
In Design and Technology we will be exploring the power of pneumatics.  We will be carrying out simple experiments that show how air can be used to make things move.  We we be exploring how pneumatic systems work.  We will then go on to design and make our own moving monster toy based on our knowledge and understanding.

In P.E. this half term we will be exploring symmetry and asymmetry in Gymnastics.  We will be performing  sequences of movement on apparatus including symmetrical and asymmetrical balancing, travelling and linking movements.  We will be watching our partners' work and offering feedback on their performance.  P.E for Seals will continue to be on a Wednesday afternoon.  There is no swimming this half term for Seals.
Our French unit this half term will focus on saying, reading and writing the French words for musical instruments using the Language Angels program. You can log in to the pupil games area in Language Angels with the following details for more practise.
Interactive-games (languageangels.com)
Username: links
Password: pupil

Our Jigsaw unit 'Dreams and Goals' encourages children to recognise our own personal challenges and those of others, and discuss ways in which these can be faced, tackled and overcome.

This half term we will learn about the Bronze Age.  We will begin by looking at where this sits on our class timeline.  We will learn about how things advanced for the people of Britain through metal smelting and the significance of the bell beaker folk.

We will be concentrating on mastering our 3 and 4 times tables; saying them by rote and answering spot questions as well as knowing related division facts  We will be working on Multiplication and Division, Length and Perimeter. You can keep your skills sharp by accessing Doodle Maths in your school360 for 10 minutes daily and learning your 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables.
This term our focus will be sculpture.  The children will be working alongside local artist Kath Renton and RSPB to learn about local wildlife.  They will observe, draw and paint seals.  The children will learn how to work with clay to sculpt then paint seals.  The children will develop their creativity with a drawing activity to focus on observational drawing.  We will look at some well known Impressionist art and talk about the Impressionist movement, looking carefully at brushstrokes and colours.  The children will have the opportunity to select from different materials to create their own art.  Finally we will look at the role of designers, thinking particularly about patterns used in home furnishings by comparing William Morris and modern designers.
This half term we will be learning about Judaism including who founded the religion and where it was founded, it's main beliefs, special places and festivals and signs and symbols.

The children will explore the concept of sequencing in programming through Scratch.  We will begin with an introduction to the programming environment.  The children will be introduced to a selection of motion, sound, and event blocks which they will use to create their own programs, featuring sequences. The final project is to make a representation of a piano. We will learn about all aspects of sequences, and also apply stages of program design through our learning.
Why not try the pinned activities for the Code Disco on Busy Things!
The children will be learning about Rhythm this half term.  We will look at basic notation then learn more about reading and composing rhythms before performing these.