Our Geography Co-ordinator is Mrs Emma Oliver
The children know that in Geography they learn about the world around us and study the earth, land and people.
Through the delivery of Geography we encourage the children to develop a curiosity and fascination about the world and its diversities through physical and human processes. They will begin to understand relationships between these physical and human processes and how these affect environments and societies. The early focus of our teaching will develop locational knowledge and geographical skills that will form the foundations of this understanding. We place a strong emphasis on learning key subject and topic based vocabulary.
At Amble Links, children in Nursery and Reception will begin to learn about Geography through Under standing of the World – People, Culture and Communities.
In Key Stage One and Two Geography is taught each half term to enable the children to remember and apply their previous knowledge. Each term has a key focus for delivery of Geography across both key stages: Geographical skills & knowledge; locational knowledge; human & physical features and place knowledge.