History Overview


Our History Co-ordinator is Mrs Julie Kelly

The purpose of History in the national Curriculum is to encourage children to gain knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. We aim to inspire their curiosity to find out about the past and teach them the necessary skills to find and evaluate evidence to answer their questions. This will lead to them to begin making connections and comparisons between events they know about and life in modern times. We place a strong emphasis on learning key subject and topic based vocabulary. 

At Amble Links Primary School, History is taught through an enquiry based question in KS1 and KS2 over a term. Each enquiry is broken down into ancillary questions which the children will explore through a range of resources. Where possible, we link our learning to our local area.

Early Years

In Early Years, historical learning begins in ‘Understanding the World’ where children begin to make sense of their local surroundings, community and the wider world. By engaging with a broad selection of fiction and non-fiction texts, rhymes and poems children learn and understand concepts such as past and present and talk about similarities and differences between people around them and their role in society. Across the year, linked to themes, children explore ideas relating to history and the passing of time. Examples include:

All About Me: children begin to make sense of their own life-story and family history by looking at photos and sharing family stories.

Festivals and Celebrations: learning about significant people and events such as birthdays and Bonfire Night.

Click here to view the full National Curriculum Programme of Study that we follow for History.