Puffins Autumn 2 2024

This half term, the children will focus on the text, 'The Journey Home' by Frann Preston-Gannon. The text explores issues of conservation and starts to explore whether we can escape the issues that endangered animals face on a day-to-day basis. Children will create fact files on endangered animals as well as writing short persuasive pieces on why we need to save a particular endangered animal. 

Each week, the children will be set words from the Year 2 Common Exception Words list. Practice the spellings at home with your child. Each week, the children will be tested on these spellings. The children's score will be added into the children's homework book. At the end of the half term, the children will be re-tested on 15 on the words. Parents will see this score on the half termly report that is sent home.

This half term the children will continue to explore the question, 'Why don't penguins need to fly?'. Through stories, maps and atlases, the children will discover what live is like in Antarctica and compare this with the Arctic and Sahara Desert.

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Oak Academy: Pulse and Metre
The children will learn to create a simple pulse pattern while singing and to understand how a pulse can be subdivided and how to read symbols to create their own sound patterns. 

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education)
We will be focusing on 'Celebrating Difference' this half term. The children will discuss similarities and differences between themselves and others; looking at stereotypes and accepting that everyone is different.

Creating media: Digital photography
Children will learn to recognise that different devices can be used to capture photographs and will gain experience capturing, editing, and improving photos. The children will explore photo editing tools using Canva and recognise that not all images are real.

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This half term the children will continue to explore the question, 'What does it take to be a great explorer?'. The children will explore the achievements of Ranulph Fiennes, Amy Johnson, Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong and discover the personal qualities it takes to be a 'great explorer'. Watch live footage of Neil Armstrong's moon landing...how do you think he felt?

This half term, the children will focus on adding and subtracting ones and tens to and from 2-digit numbers. They will work with a variety of strategies to support their learning, including number lines, part-whole models and number beads. Concrete manipulatives will support independent learning before moving onto a more abstract method.

Developing their understanding of scientific enquiry, the children learn that scientists use a range of skills to answer questions. They discover that microhabitats provide what minibeasts need to survive and carry out a survey to find out where different minibeasts live in the school grounds. They practise asking scientific questions and follow a method to investigate which conditions woodlice prefer. The children explore the job role of a botanist by identifying flowering plants.

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Design and Technology
The focus for this half term is food. The children will learn about the food groups to understand a balanced diet to develop a healthy wrap. Why not try making a healthy wrap at home...what fillings will you choose?

Physical Education
Dance: Water
The unit of work will challenge children to use their whole body when creating sequences of movements. Children will explore and respond to music as a stimulus. Using various dynamics and movement qualities, children will be able to use descriptive language to discuss these various movement qualities.

Focus: Painting
The children will continue to develop their technique when mixing tints and shades and use this to create artwork. They will use their developing knowledge to create their own art and then learn about the work of designers.

Religious Education
What is the good news Christians say Jesus brings? Part 2
In this unit, children will learn about the concept of ‘Gospel’ and the good news of forgiveness, peace and love that Christians believe Jesus brings. Children will learn about Matthew the Tax Collector and how Christians believe that Jesus offers forgiveness, looking at their heart rather than what they have done in the past. Children will learn about the instructions that Jesus gives in the Bible and how Christians follow his example and these instructions in order to behave in a Christ like way. Children will take time to consider whether Jesus’ good news is only good news for Christians or whether there are things for people from different worldviews to consider.