Spring 1 2025

English: As writers, we will be exploring the text, The Lost Thing by Shaun Tan, which is a story of belonging and discovery. We will be developing our writing skills using role play, discussion and writing activities. Children will write their own version of the story using key features we have practiced. 

Design & Technology: The children will learn to apply their computing skills to program a Micro:bit animal monitor and using 3D CAD tools in Tinkercad to design a case, housing or stand.
Art: The children will be working with local artist Katherine Renton to draw, paint and sculpt local wildlife.
Music: The focus will be on Rhythm as the children learn and perform various musical pieces, including West African drumming, Indian classical music and Samba.
History: Shang Dynasty - As historians, we will be exploring and researching the Ancient Chinese civilization using key questions to lead the learning. 
Geography: What is a river?  As geographers, we will be investigating the features and processes of rivers. The class will explore the changes a river has over it's course from source to mouth.

English: As readers, we will be developing our comprehension skills and apply our understanding of the text Wonderling by Mira Bartok. We use a range of strategies to identify key information, decode unfamiliar words (ALIEN WORDS) and infer the language the author uses to express a point of view or describe an event.

Maths: As mathematicians, we will continue solving multiplication and division problems using long multiplication and short division methods. These strategies are applied to solve multi-step worded problems. Later in the term, we will be continuing our understanding and application of fractions using the four operations. 
Science: As scientists, we will be exploring our Solar System using practical activities and investigations to develop a deep understanding of Earth, the Moon and planets within our universe. We will be exploring forces using investigations to test our predictions and address misconceptions.
Religious Education: The children will be learning about the Jewish worldview and way of life. They will build on their understanding that Jews are a diverse group of people by investigating Census data and reflecting on the different cultural heritages of British Jews. They will investigate the centrality of Torah through examining how a Sefer Torah is constructed, it’s place within the synagogue and how different Jews may interpret the Torah in diverse ways. They will consider how interpretation of Torah influences dietary choices. Finally, they will reflect on how Jewish practice is being adapted in the light of current thinking on gender and climate. 
Computing: This half term the children will will use physical computing to explore the concept of selection in programming. They will be introduced to a microcontroller and learn how to connect and program components (including output devices- LEDs and motors) through the application of their existing programming knowledge. The children will be introduced to conditions as a means of controlling the flow of actions and make use of their knowledge of repetition and conditions when introduced to the concept of selection (through the if, then structure).