Puffins Spring 1 2025

The Bear Under the Stairs by Helen Cooper
We will use this story as a model to discuss the children's own fears and how they have dealt with them. Children will write letters of advice to the main character and back before writing their own story of a child who is scared of something that might be in the house. The sequence of learning finishes with children making comparisons between real bears and toy bears and using this as the basis for an information report about bears to give to William to help him feel less scared.
Monster Phonics
This half term we will review all previous taught spelling patterns and revisit the Year 2 Common Exception Words. These words were part of the children's spelling homework last term. It is important that the children can read and spell all of these words. At home, spend some time each week to look over the children's spellings in their homework book and practise spelling these words in different ways. Look at the Spelling Challenge Cards for inspiration!

Science: Uses of Everyday Materials
Building on their knowledge of everyday materials and their properties, the children recognise that materials are suited for specific purposes and explore actions such as stretching and bending affect the shape of solid objects. They compare the suitability of materials; gather and record data in tables and block graphs and use their results to answer questions. Children learn about the harmful effects of plastic and explore eco-friendly alternatives.

Enquiry: Why does it matter where my food comes from?
This enquiry provides an introduction to farming and farms. It will enable the children to explore a number of key geographical concepts such as location and distribution, as well as establishing a clear grasp, in simple terms, of fundamental geographical processes including economic activity and trade. The enquiry therefore is not just about the children knowing ‘where’ their food comes from but also – and equally importantly – it’s about enabling them to understand ‘why’ it’s important to know. To this end the children have opportunities to begin to understand and reflect upon, in basic terms, why locally sourced food and free-range production regimes are considered environmentally friendly and sustainable.

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Design Technology: Mechanisms 
Making a Moving Monster
After learning the terms; pivot, lever and linkage, children set to designing a monster that will move using a linkage mechanism. After practicing making linkages of different types and varying the materials they use. The children can also bring their monsters to life with the gift of movement.
 Physical Education: Gymnastics
Within this gymnastics unit, the children will be challenged to explore different ways that they can link movements and balances together. The children will perform a sequence on apparatus focused on; jumps, rolls and balances.
The children will be introduced to the term ‘data’. They will begin to understand what data means and how this can be collected in the form of a tally chart. The children will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data. They will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and block diagrams then  use the data presented to answer questions.

Why not try the pinned activities for the Code Disco on Busy Things!

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Multiplication and Division
The children will practice and become fluent in the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables and begin to make links to the related division facts practically and mentally. They will group objects and share quantities as well as using arrays to link repeated addition to multiplication. Keep practicing at home using the MathsFrame Tables Check or DoodleTables.
Why not learn the Numberblocks Time s Table Songs!

The children will combine amounts to make different values and think about solving addition and subtraction, including giving change. At home, show children different coins and notes and discuss the value of each one.

Religious Education
Who is a Muslim and how do they live? (Part 1)
In this unit of work, the children will find out about Islam, key beliefs and ways of living for Muslims. They will learn about some of the key beliefs about God found in the Shahadah and learn the 99 names of Allah. The children will encounter stories about the Prophet and find out about what these teach Muslims today about ways of living. They will learn about the five pillars of Islam and how these impact upon the lives of believers. The children will learn about the importance of prayer and what it means for Muslims all over the world.

PSHE: Dreams and Goals
In this puzzle, the class talk about setting realistic goals and how to achieve them. They discuss perseverance when they find things difficult as well as recognising their strengths as a learner. The children talk about group work and reflect on who they work well with and who they don't. They will also talk about sharing success with other people.

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Enquiry: How do we know so much about where Sappho used to life?
This enquiry enables the children to explore a number of key historical concepts, particularly the nature of evidence and cause and effect. It also introduces the pupils to studying the past to understand the present better and to inform the future in a more enlightened manner. The children are able to think about how historians and archaeologists go about obtaining the evidence they need to reconstruct and interpret the past
and particularly the distinction between primary and secondary evidence. The destruction and reconstruction of the iconic city of Pompeii provides an ideal context for achieving this and this historical event is brought to life through the circumstances of one young person, to whom the children are able to relate easily. The enquiry also emphasises that the value of studying a specific event in history, such as the destruction of Pompeii, lies more in what the event tells us about the lives of ordinary people at the time rather than the specific and intricate details of the event itself. 

The children will be working with local artist Katherine Renton to observe and draw local wildlife.  They will be introduced to working will clay to create a sculpture then have the opportunity to paint it.  
Tempo, Dynamics, Timbre
The children will learn about tempo (speed), pitch (high and low sounds) and dynamics (loud and soft sounds). They will also be learning lots of different ways to use their voice.