Nursery Seahorses Newsletter Summer 2 2019

Out and About
How quickly the school year has gone over and here we are about to start our final half term.  Our last topic this year encourages the children to think about Amble and what they see when they go 'Out and About.'  The topic will focus on homes, jobs and transport in the local area as well as nature and how to have fun!  It gives the children the chance to really focus on the features around them and what Amble has to offer.
The main focus of the learning will be Understanding the World.  The children will use photographs to look at the buildings, shops and houses, making comments and asking questions to learn more about features they see every day.  The children will think about the house they live in, where it is and how far it is away from others points of interest.  By comparing photographs of another town, they will learn that not all places look the same and what makes Amble so special.
The children will be doing lots of creative work to make an 'Out and About' display.  the skills will involve holding the paintbrush properly and using it with care and control, as well as choosing the right colour to make the finished piece of work look realistic.  The children also will learn when to stop painting and that sometimes a picture can be spoilt when too much paint is used.  The children will paint different buildings, vehicles and features of nature. 
For the last half term the oldest children will be beginning to think about moving up to Turtles.  While the children are already very independent we will be encouraging them to develop skills linked to the three robots - resilience, responsibility and respect.  These skills can be demonstrated all aspects of life in Seahorses by all children.  They will be given the opportunity to do more adult-directed tasks, developing the resilience to stay on task until they are finished.